Chemistry 331 Lecture Notes

Lecture notes were written by Patricia Shapley. All rights are reserved.
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Lecture 1: Introduction: WWW, Lewis Structures, Oxidation states, Electron counting

Lecture 2: Chemical Bonding

Lecture 3: Conformations, Stereochemistry

Lecture 4: Nucleophilic Substitution

Lecture 5: Elimination Reactions

Lecture 6: Reactions of Alcohols

Lecture 7: Reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes

Lecture 8: Spectroscopy, Symmetry, Nuclear Spin

Lecture 9: 13C{1H} NMR Spectroscopy

Lecture 10: Proton Coupled 13C NMR Spectroscopy

Lecture 11: 1H NMR Spectroscopy

Lecture 12: Complex Spin-Spin Coupling in 1H NMR

Lecture 13: MRI, IR Spectroscopy

Lecture 14: Bonding in Arenes, Polyenes; Electronic Spectroscopy

Lecture 15: Reactions of Arenes

Lecture 16: Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution

Lecture 17: Organometallic Compounds

Lecture 18: Retrosynthetic Analysis and Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

Lecture 19: Enolates from Carbonyl Compounds

Lecture 20: Ester Enolates, Claisen Condensations

Lecture 21: Practice and Review

Lecture 22: Organosulfur Compounds, Reactions of Sulfur Compounds

Lecture 23: Sulfur in Biological Molecules

Lecture 24: Amines; Synthesis of Amines

Lecture 25: Amines as Nucleophiles; Amine Natural Products

Lecture 26: Nitrosation Reactions

Lecture 27: Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution

Lecture 28: Phenols, Synthesis of Phenols

Lecture 29: Reactions of Phenols

Lecture 30: Synthesis Problems

Lecture 31: Sugars: Conformation and Stereochemistry

Lecture 32: Reactions of Sugars

Lecture 33: Polysaccharides

Lecture 34: Glucose Metabolism

Lecture 35: Acetate-Derived Natural Products

Lecture 36: Amino Acids

Lecture 37: Synthesis of Peptides

Lecture 38: Analysis of Protein Structure

Lecture 39: Metalloenzymes

Lecture 40: Pyrimidines, Purines, Nucleosides, DNA, RNA

Organic Nomenclature
