Taking Careful Observations

If you saw these reactions occur on your chart, you might note the following on your observation sheet:
carbonate reaction

Upon addition of HCl to a solution of CO32- ions, bubbles evolved.

In your observations chart, you could write:
“gas evol’tn.”

 reaction table

After addition of UI to HCl, a bright pink color change was observed.

In your observations chart, you could write:
“brt.pink color chg.”


After addition of UI to NaOH, a bluish purple color change was observed.

In your observations chart, you could write:
“blue/purple color chg.”

white precipitate formation

Upon addition of CuSO4 to Ba(NO3)2, a white, grainy precipitate formed.

In your observations chart, you could write:
“wht.grainy ppt.”